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Stolpersteine Ostercappeln

Ostercappeln d. 21. Juli 2020






Anträge an die Gemeinden Ostercappeln und Bohmte

zur Genehmigung von Stolpersteinverlegungen werden gestellt


Der gemeinnützige Verein „Starkes Dorf e. V.“ aus Ostercappeln beabsichtigt in beiden Gemeinden erneut Stolpersteinverlegungen für Opfer des Nationalsozialismus durchführen zu lassen. Gunter Demnig hat seit 1993 ein Kunstprodukt ins Leben gerufen, das die Menschen im öffentlichen Raum zum Innehalten und Erinnern an die entsetzlichen Verbrechen anregen soll.


In beiden Gemeinden hat Demnig persönlich unter großer Beteiligung der Bürger bereits am 10. und 11. November 2008 für Sigmund und Helene Stern in Bohmte, für Josef und Helene Meyer, Erna Meyer mit ihren Kindern Ruth und Hans sowie für Pater Franz Riepe in Ostercappeln solche Steine verlegt.


Das Einsetzen der Stolpersteine setzt immer eine Genehmigung durch den Bürgermeister oder den Rat der Gemeinde voraus. Somit beantragt „


Hugo Meyer, born September 27, 1894 - + August 15, 1933
Escape to death from Bahnhofstrasse (at that time house no.110 Ostercappeln-Herringhausen)
Hugo Meyer was born in Osnabrück as the second child of Sara Meyer,née Hecht, and Moritz Meyer. As a trader, he ran a company with his father from Osnabrück and Ostercappeln. Hugo Meyer married Erna Steinfeld in 1927, born on May 31st, 1896 from Versmold. The family had two children, Hans born December 30, 1928 and Ruth born December 27, 1929. The young family initially lived in Osnabrück. After Moritz Meyer's death in 1920, his son Hugo and his mother Sarah took over his business. As a merchant and cattle dealer, Hugo was highly regarded by the population of the region, especially among farmers. After the National Socialists came to power, Hugo Meyer was quickly ostracized, threatened and blackmailed in business. On August 15, 1933, he committed suicide in Osnabrück. He was already living in the house at Ostercappeln-Herringhausen No. 110, in the building that he had built with his father Moritz. When Sarah Meyer and two of her sons, Georg and Paul, emigrated to South Africa in 1936 because of the Nazi machinations, Erna Meyer and her children Hans and Ruth were left alone in this house. All three fell victim to Nazi terror. In 2008 stumbling blocks were laid in front of their former home for the mother and her two children. Hugo Meyer's escape to death on August 15, 1933 is confirmed from information provided by numerous contemporary witnesses who were still children at the time and ultimately from log books of the Osnabrück police during the 1930s (only discovered in 2016/17!). At the burial at the Jewish cemetery in Osnabrück Magdalenenstrasse, a large number of Ostercappelner citizens are said to have participated. But let's quote from the unanswered letter from the Jewess Edith Steins, written in 1933 and written to Pope Pius XI. “... But by declaring a boycott - by robbing people of their economic existence, civil honor and their fatherland - they [the NS government] are driving many to despair: in the last week I have received five cases of suicide through private messages became known as a result of this hostility. I am convinced that it is a general phenomenon that will still claim many victims. One may regret that the unfortunate no longer have inner support to bear their fate. But the responsibility falls to a large extent on those who brought them this far. And it falls on those who remain silent. ”... The“ Starkes Dorf ”association decided, without a dissenting vote, to have a stumbling block set in memory of Hugo Meyer, next to the stones of his wife Erna and his children Ruth and Hans.













Jüdischer Friedhof Osnabrück Magdalenen Straße Aufnahme 2017 (Kahlert)





Erinnerungstafel am Markt Ostercappeln


Sie spielten zwischen den Häusern, besuchten die

Schule, fühlten sich wohl in unserm Dorf Ostercappeln.




Ida Stern, geb. Grünberg – Theresienstadt Stolperstein Osnabrück

Alex Sigmund Stern – Riga, Stolperstein in Bohmte

Frieda Weinberg, geb. Stern – Stutthof bei Danzig

Rosa Grünberg – Riga Stolperstein Osnabrück

Frida Akker, geb. Meyer– Auschwitz-Birkenau, Stolperstein Herford

Dora Löwenstein, geb. Stern – Minsk

Miriam Kleeberg, geb. Meyer – Auschwitz

Rosa Heumann, geb. Stern – Sobibor Stolperstein Bohmte geplant

Ida van Geldern, geb. Stern – nach Deportation vermisst

Else Hesse, geb. Meyer – Ghetto Schtetl Piaski, Majdanek

Minna Spiegel, geb. Stern – verschollen

Joanna Leib, geb. Stern – Auschwitz

Helene Basch, geb. Stern – Auschwitz

Julie Wesermann, geb. Meyer – Auschwitz

Fina Goldschmidt, geb. Stern – Theresienstadt

Hugo Meyer, 15. August 1933 – Osnabrück Stolperstein Ostercappeln geplant

Erna Meyer geb. Steinfeld – Auschwitz

Kinder Hans (13 Jahre) und Ruth (14 Jahre) – Auschwitz, Stolpersteine Ostercappeln

Josef Meyer u. Helene, geb. Jordan – Theresienstadt Stolpersteine Ostercappeln

sie alle verloren durch den Nationalsozialismus

ihr Leben, nur weil sie Juden waren“!


Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klasse 9 R 1

Ludwig-Windthorst - Oberschule, 9. November 2013